Creating a Cosy Writing Corner

Every writer needs a cosy corner, or, a writer’s nook as it is also dubbed.

Somewhere for ‘those motivated by words’ to express themselves in comfort and security.

From laptops on my knee while cocooned in my dressing gown and huddled over the heater in winter, to sitting up in bed with my laptop and a determined cat nuzzling into my space, sticking their nose into the screen, I was beginning to find writing in my relaxing spaces tiresome.

It felt like I was no longer able to distinguish between my working and switch off zones because, however much I loved writing, it was still work and required discipline to make a start (using my brain when I could have been binge-watching a dodgy Netflix drama with cups of tea.) Feng Shui, the art of organising your possessions and space to your advantage, was non-existent and I strongly felt I needed a writer’s ‘nook.’

Here I would be able to set myself clear tasks and decipher between work and play, smashing out some writing in a dedicated hour before rewarding myself with some down time in a peaceful space. I was sure it would help with motivation and focus.

It certainly had become a little unusual sitting on my sofa with my laptop, then on the same sofa watching TV for a while, then picking up my laptop again while the show was paused – work and play merged into one mammoth session. There was no escape from either concept.

So, in January 2023, I set about turning my spare room, which had over the years served as both a wash and a junk room, into a writing room.

Now, rooms like this can be dangerous – they have no clear purpose so it is easy to hoard things you don’t really need. They become a halfway house for objects you don’t have the heart to throw away but don’t have the know how to use.

Mine looked like this:

It was like the room from the Labyrinth with odd trinkets and dusty miscellaneous objects that as a child I yearned to delve through in the hope of finding dressing up clothes, interesting lipsticks and rouge.

My labyrinthine room was a visual representation of the chaos in my life and that needed clearing.

*Apologies for the poor quality photographs – these were taken with my phone when I was without a decent camera but they do not upload well on to the blog!*

I put unwanted possessions in bags for charity, placed things in cupboards and drawers that had lost their way during life’s unrelenting journey. Cleared the desk that I had bought months before when my vision of a writing nook was still premature. I envisioned peace and tranquility.

So, in the space of one very productive weekend, I cleared it. I just made a start, took pieces of furniture out of ‘that’ room into another so that I could make that the new wash room.

The room was white-walled, so I could find ways to embellish that plain, natural palette, keeping it minimal and clutter free. I wanted only objects I thought were beautiful and had a purpose, well-loved, inspired me every time I looked at them, made me want to write about them, achieve things, objects that were calming to look at when I took my breaks from writing.

I decided that positive and inspirational quotes were a must. Words to remind me why I was doing what I was doing.

Flowers, I love flowers so they had to be in there – and plus -nature inspired my writing. The sound of running water was one of my favourite relaxing sounds so maybe a little fountain in there to provide a connection to nature.

A sofa or cosy chair in the opposite end of the room to provide refuge from intense academic focus. The mosquito net I had gotten in idealistic haste to drape around the bed but did not go – there was a place for it in my creative haven, it soon adorned the windows giving a sweeping, ethereal look. The sun would stream through one spring morning while I was working on chapter three of my novel and drinking a cup of tea – or so I hoped

Once the room was cleared of junk, I went out shopping, searched for and purchased objects that were already mine – they just didn’t know it yet.

Once home, I ordered cosy things from the internet; a fluffy rug, a creme blanket and a fluffy cushion. The next day, I had all the objects I needed, so set about arranging them. Two hours later, I was done. I was mesmerised and couldn’t stop looking at my beautiful, entrancing room.

The cats were mesmerised also and exploring this new cove of delights.

Poignant quotes were a must for inspiration and reflecting my quest to write. ‘Your fate is in your hands’ – a reminder that I can do anything I put my mind to.

The others little snippets to make me smile and feel peaceful and hopeful and calm.

Despite my joy and satisfaction with my nook, I usually avoid it in the winter, the room is chilly and not as inviting – think I need a portable heater providing direct heat. about not using the room in cold winter as room is cold but in the spring when warmed up, sat and finished my book in there.

I’ve wanted a nook for longer than I can remember so it’s a dream come true and I plan on creating many things while sitting at my desk with a nice cuppa and no doubt a cat sniffing at my laptop!


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